Vitamins and Supplements Packaging

Custom Supplement Packaging Based on Your Brand and Message

Millions of people are turning to digital healthcare as a simple way to maintain and enhance their health, autonomy, and overall well-being. As an e-commerce product, the vitamin or supplement box on the doorstep may be the only physical branding experience a customer has beyond a website.

Purchasing vitamins and supplements require a great deal of faith in a company. Consumers research ingredients, potency, freshness, and nutrient sourcing.  While customer research and recommendations are key factors in terms of nutritional or supplement sales, a cohesive brand presentation that emphasizes quality supplement packaging is essential to build product confidence and brand loyalty.

Don't Skimp on Quality

Our goal is to elevate your messaging and mission through thoughtfully designed supplement box packaging. Professionally engineered packaging, quality materials, and intelligent branding — in other words, good packaging design — help you establish trusted, long-term relationships with customers. When the packaging is as good as the products inside—and everything arrives fresh, potent, effective, and in great shape— customers know they can trust your brand to deliver.

How do we Protect the Products from Moisture, Oxygen, Movement, and Extreme Temperatures?

Nutritional supplement packaging needs to protect your products from the elements and from potential forces bearing down on your product as it moves from source to destination. Learning more about your supply-side logistics and pressures, we work with you to determine the best food-safe liners, barriers, child-protective caps, and safety materials to keep your products protected while keeping regulatory compliance in mind.

How do you Prevent Brand Imitators and Copycats from Damaging your Business?

The nutrition and supplement industry continues to grow at full velocity. With rapid growth come, imitators, fraudsters, and bad actors. We have integrated packaging solutions to protect your brand, including digitally printed bar codes and Track & Trace technology.

We can also protect your company and your brand with proper diction and messaging that steers clear of regulatory complications by analyzing the legal environment for your best presentation, compliance, and product protection.

Understanding Your Goals

At the start of every project, Pack City will sit down to collaborate with you and your team. We look closely at your brand, the quantities ordered, the products’ destinations, material requests, and your product’s overall ecosystem and goals.

In such a rapidly growing industry, distinguishing your product from the crowd is essential. Let us craft a packaging-design concept and campaign that addresses your customer’s needs and your business goals, so you can focus on what matters ~ the details of your business!

Where Do I Start?