Cosmetic Packaging

Packaging That Elevates the Customer’s Sense of Beauty and Wellbeing

Pack City creates high-quality, eye-catching packaging for cosmetics products. We understand that the packaging of a cosmetics product is just as important as the product itself, and we strive to create packaging that will help your product stand out.

When it comes to luxury cosmetic packaging design, the beauty is in the details. More than any other industry, cosmetic packaging features minimalist design and graphics, premium materials, and specialized finishes. To create the most magnificent unboxing experience, we tap into our extensive materials library and advanced printing technology to source unique papers, substrates, and printing methods. 

Whether you are developing a new small batch beauty line or rebranding an established cosmetics mainstay or cult classic, we can develop innovative packaging solutions that will make your product stand above the competition.

Pack City’s Packaging Solutions Make Lasting Impressions

We have experience creating premium packaging solutions for retail and direct-to-consumer e-commerce. Our goal is to engineer a package that elevates the product, creating a lasting connection with consumers who will come to associate your product and brand with self-care, luxury, health, and quality of life.

Outside-the-box Makeup and Beauty Product Packaging

The beauty industry calls for a diverse library of packaging options for a wide range of customers. From glass bottles and fine-to-the-touch paper boxes to sustainable plastic tubes and limited-edition gift sets, we design, produce, and deliver luxury cosmetic packaging at scale.

Working closely with your brand and core mission, we help you build premium packaging that inspires customers to explore your product further. After analyzing your goals and market, we select the perfect printing methods, graphics, and structures to capture your customer’s unique attention and continued interest. We factor in sustainability goals, your core values, and the customer’s needs for self-care.

Our Primary Cosmetic Packaging Design Goal: The Unboxing Experience

We design packaging to create a multi-sensory experience. Sight, touch, and scent are all important components in the beauty product realm. Even something that seems insignificant— the shipping box, a lipstick cylinder, a face cream package, the feel, colors, and sound of tissue material on a soap bar—can invite feelings of luxury, anticipation, and satisfaction in your customer as they unbox.
There are many ways to achieve this tactile and emotional connection with your customer. Textured papers, font type, size, white space, the feel and composition of boxing materials, and specialized printing are all factors that come together to create the total experience of your product and brand.

How Do We Make Cosmetic Packaging Magic Happen?

We consider all aspects of a beauty product’s ecology: your market demographic, the first and last impressions, transportation stresses, customer ease and satisfaction receiving and opening the package, and environmental impact.

Our packaging design services will help you capitalize on the opportunity to make a strong impression with strategic, brand-aligned, beautiful package design solutions.

Where Do I Start?